
Thursday, January 26, 2012

Vinyl Record Jewelry

I bought a bunch of record at the DI. I wanted to play with them SO bad! I got a big ten pack book of old Reader's Digest records (for $1) and started experimenting. I made some bracelets of different shapes and some cute earrings. I made some cute rings as well (not pictured) but I'll find the pics and get them up here. The ring is my favorite :)

BEFORE-I'm glad I didn't have to suffer through listening to this...

AFTER-a heat gun...some random make-shift tools...and some burned flesh later. (you should see what my brother made out of vinyl while I was making these...I would post it is it wasn't offensive lol. True story. LOVE YOU JON <3) I can't wait to play with vinyl again!

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