
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Boneless Buffalo Wings

I binge watched Undercover Boss on Netflix over the weekend. There was an episode featuring the restaurant chain "Hooters". It was terrible. Lol. But it made me want wings. I never have wings. So, I did a little searching and found a great recipe that I adapted and I had wings without having to leave the house! Yay! They were SO good. And really easy. You've got to try them.

Ingredients: chicken breasts, flour, cayenne pepper, paprika, garlic powder, salt, pepper, milk and egg.

Mix flour, cayenne, paprika, garlic powder, salt and pepper in a bowl.

Mix milk and egg in a seperate bowl. That completes your breading station!

Cut the chicken into bite sized pieces.

Dip pieces of chicken in flour mixture. Then dredge in egg mixture. Coat again in flour mixture. Then egg mixture again...and one more time in flour. (Flour-egg-flour-egg-flour) I know it sounds like a lot, but it makes them amazing!!!

Fry in 375 degree oil in small batches.

Drain on paper towels. 

                                           Serve with dipping sauce and celery.

Toss warm chicken pieces in sauce to coat. Serve with celery and blue cheese. Yum!!! 

You can use store bought sauce or make your own. This time I used premade. 

2 skinless boneless chicken breasts
Vegetable oil (for frying)
1 cup flour
2 teaspoons salt
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1/2 teaspoon paprika
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
1 egg 
1 cup milk

Heat oil in pan to 375 degrees. Mix flour, salt, pepper, cayenne, paprika and garlic powder in a bowl. Mix egg and milk in a seperate bowl. Dredge chicken pieces in flour mixture. Then coat in egg mixture. Put back into flour. Then back into egg. And a final time into flour. (flour-egg-flour-egg-flour). Fry in small batches until golden brown. Drain on paper towels. Coat with sauce of your choosing. Enjoy!!!

There are a variety of sauces you can use with this! I've made a few that I love. I'll do a whole post on different sauces soon.  

Try these out!! They are so worth it. Let me know what you think. 

I adapted this recipe from blogchef

Friday, July 4, 2014

Bacon Wrapped Scallops With Chili Butter

Happy 4th of July!!! I hope you all have a fun and safe holiday! We are definitely enjoying the break here in our house. And to celebrate, it's scallop time. I've been trying to incorporate some new recipes of more of seafood fav's into the menu. I made this for the first time a few months back and it was immediately on the list of his all time favorites. I just had to share it with you!

 Sometimes the most delicious things end up being the most simple. I had never really cooked scallops. I had heard all of the warnings and musings about working with them (they have the tendency to be chewy if over cooked and are tricky to work with etc.) It is easy to be intimidated by new things...especially ones that come with reputation of being tricky. But these are SO easy and SO incredible. Don't be intimidated! You can't go wrong with this VERY easy with recipe with only 4 ingredients!

Here are your star players...bacon and scallops. Mmmmm

Wrap the bacon around the scallops and throw into a preheated oven.

While scallops are cooking away make the chili butter. Place butter in bowl and melt. Add chili powder.

Mix together.

Remove scallops from oven and place on plate.
Drizzle with chili butter.

Sit back and watch as people are amazed by your intense awesomeness.
2 lbs large scallops
Bacon cut to size to fit around scallops
1/4 c. (half stick) of butter
1 teaspoon chili powder
Preheat oven to 425 degrees.* Wrap bacon around scallops and secure with toothpick. Place on foil lined baking sheet. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Bake in preheated oven for about 20 minutes or until bacon is done.  While scallops are cooking Melt butter and stir chili powder into butter. Take scallops out of oven and drizzle with chili butter. (They're good with out the butter too!) And that's it! Done-zo! Yeah!
*Alternatively you can cook them under your broiler for 15 minutes...or...grill until bacon is sizzling and brown. Any method is good, choose whichever one is your favorite! (I've done them all and they're all amazing.)
I adapted this recipe from, so thanks to her for that! :)
Now, all I need is my little buddies (the Tao and the Potus) to share it with. Hoping they have a fun 4th! Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you try this! Let me know how it goes for you if you do!