
Monday, March 5, 2012

Really Ugly Skirt Into A Cowl Neck Top

I love working with skirts and dresses and I haven't played with them in a while. I stopped in at my favorite thrift store while I was in Utah and as usual they were having a .25 sale. I picked up 6 different items for a grand total of $1.50 (that's right, I'm a baller!!!) of them being this hideous skirt.

BEFORE-This thing is BAD. It had a zipper up the back and a slit up the side. SO CUTE. I started playing around with it...putting it on every different way I could think of. After playing with it (and looking like a total freak of nature)...(btw, that's how you know you're doing it right.if you look wierd/crazy doing it. lol) I decided this skirt would end up upside down..and with only a tiny bit of tweaking would make the perfect effortless cowl neck shirt.

I decided to sew together the bottom part of the slit. I just rejoined it at the very bottom and planned on keeping the slit open to use as an arm hole. (This skirt is ending up upside down when I'm done with it)

Opening up the seam on the opposite side of the slit. This will be my other arm hole :)

Taking off the excess fabric. I was kind of bummed out because I wanted to keep the length...but when I turned it upside down the waist part was too small to fit over my hips. So, I cut it off just below the zipper and hemed the raw edge. It was just the perfect length after that..although I wish I could have kept it longer.

AFTER - Here it is...I hemed the side seam that I opened up for the arm hole. Then all that was left to do was kind of form fit it to my body. (For this I just put it on inside out and pinned the fit I liked. Then sewed it up and that was it! Really easy project! I want to do this again...I can't wait to get my hands on another skirt! :) (Oh, and P.S. this after pic is awful...I did this project while I was in Utah and I finished it in the middle of the night...that's why I'm looking so good lol. And thanks for taking the pic for me, ma)

Men's Dress Shirt Into a Cute Frilly Top

So, this is a shirt I made a while ago...I didn't document the making of this along the way, but here's the before and after. (Sorry, I forgot to turn the flash off on my camera...bad pic...I'll redo it later) This project was pretty easy and straight forward. I just unpicked the sleeves and sized it down. I cut a scoop neck out to get rid of the collar. Then I cut 2 long strips out of the sleeves (maybe 3" wide and the entire length of the sleeve. I gathered the strips and layered one on top of the other one. I sewed these onto the hemed scoop neck and finished it off with a brown braided leather belt. Half of the time I wear a belt high waisted like in the pic...and the other half of the time I wear a thick brown belt around the hip area. (I'll post a pic of it this way soon!) And that's it! Fairly easy and super comfy :)

T Shirt Scarf

 Before and After. I saw a scarf similar to this on P.S. I made this and I ecided to make one of my own. Here's how to do it! (Super easy!)

 Start with a regular old T. I chose a purple one with stripes because it's what I had in my suppy closet and I thought it would make a more interesting scarf instead of using a plain T. But you can use pretty much any colored T and any sized T.

 Cut it off just under the armpits...not sure why this pic is upside will NOT let me turn it. lol.

 I kept the bottom hem of the shirt in tact so I didn't have to worry about heming it myself. I just cut a bunch of strips in a length and width that I thought looked good. Believe me, this is not a scientific process lol. (This pic is about halfway done. I ended up cutting each of these strips in half because I wanted thinner strips.)

After...seriously, SO easy to make and fun to wear :) Love it!